Sunday, 11 August 2013

No Win No Pay No Risk Attorney Lawsuit Loans Provide Law Firms Innovative Financial Solutions

Law firms work long and hard to achieve financial success. Today however a team of professional financial consultants have developed innovative tools to assist law firms achieve even greater financial success via a unique program called "No Win...No Pay...No Risk" Attorney Lawsuit Loans.
With "No Win...No Pay...No Risk" Lawsuit Loans cases are leveraged TODAY that deliver capital as the program unleashes potential future earnings sitting dead in a firms case files. "No Risk" lawsuit loans are secured only by the case themselves as there's no reimbursement obligation a firm assumes if the case in unsuccessfully litigated. With "No Risk" Attorney Loans, the investors not the firm absorbs 100% of the risk on every case leveraged, period doing such without involvement in the way a firm handles case management.
"It's really a venture capital investment in a firm's portfolio explained the founder of 1st Choice Funding, Kari E. Gray when recently interviewed about her companies ingenious approach to capital expansion. Ms. Gray continues, "no entity can run on cash flow deficiencies, and until now, a law firms potential earnings were not considered a liquid asset by lenders and could not be leveraged. However "No Risk" attorney loans provide a firm with its future earnings now vs. months and or even years from now when a case may settle. Accessing future earnings can make the difference in the way a firm is able to grow and expand and increase its future earnings capabilities compared to the current methods used by traditional practices."
The "No Risk" Attorney Lawsuit Loan approach complies with Bar regulations as successfully leveraged cases may pass on to the client, at the time of settlement, the expenses incurred for the loan in addition to contingent fees as apart of the cost to litigate. Thus the bottom line is: win or loose a case, a firm always wins with "No Risk" Lawsuit Loans because "No Risk" Attorney Loans provide "Risk Free" capital without monthly payments, and this feature keeps a firms cash flow uncompromised. "No Risk" capital provides an effective financial solution to the cash flow inconsistencies practices of all sizes must contend with.
1st Choice Funding's investment portfolio group has collectively unlimited resources for funding as the company offers the following types of financial solutions;
1. Non Recourse Pre Settlement Funding
2. Non Recourse Post Settlement Funding
3. Full Recourse Pre Settlement Funding
4. Full Recourse Post Settlement Funding
5. Business Loans
6. Mortgage Loans
7. Credit Repair
8. Life Settlements & More
(Please visit
Each firm has differing financial needs, but 1st Choice Funding's objective is to provide the lowest cost investment capital to law firms across the U.S. by this innovative approach. The "No Risk" program also affords plaintiffs with Non Recourse Pre Settlement & Non Recourse Post Settlement Funding as well.
(Please visit
Under the "No Risk" program investors do not ask for statements of personal net worth, indebtedness, or lists of assets as "No Risk" Attorney Funding is secured by the practice's receivables, not its Partners' assets. After receiving the application and documents, an outline including funding amount, rate, duration, fees, and other important elements are determined based on risk. Upon funding a contract is provided for signature and a lien is then placed on the case as funds are wired to the Law Practice's account minus setup fees.
"No Risk" Attorney Lawsuit Case Types Include:
Passenger Injuries
Pedestrian Injury
Personal Injury
General Negligence
Civil Rights
Employment Discrimination Whistleblower (Qui Tam)
Product Liability
Construction Negligence
Class Action Mass Tort
Pharmaceutical Litigation
Airplane Accidents
Commercial Torts
Commercial Appellate Settlements
Sexual Harassment
Boating Accidents
Burn Injuries
Worker's Compensation
Construction Accidents
Dog Bites
Maritime/Seaman's Claims
Medical Malpractice
Motorcycle & Bicycle Accidents
Nursing Home Neglect
Premises Liability
Product Liability
Railroad Claims (FELA)
Wrongful Death
Structured Settlement
Tractor Trailer Accident
Slip & Fall
Settled Cases
Sulzer Hip
Jones Act
Discrimination Cases
Toxic Mold
Wrongful Termination
Commercial Cases
Probate Cases
Select Divorce Cases
Select Canadian Cases
For more information log on to the company's website at [] or request an application by email: and leverage the power of pending earnings today!
Kari Gray is a 22 year seasoned financial consultant and president of 1st Choice Funding. Ms. Gray's financial expertise has assisted clients of all sizes to access capital while reducing overhead. 1st Choice Funding offers other innovative financial services that include loans of all types including a professional management interest rate control program for personnel & business loans that positions the borrower, not the lender with interest rate control. This and other innovative financial services are offered to assist your law firm in maintaining more earnings while lowering the cost of operation. Ms. Gray can be reached direct 417.451.7618 or email for a consultation on how the company may assist your firm in increasing personnel & business net worth.

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